photographers, designers, writers, models, artists, stylists, MUAHs, artistic directors and others alike
there is the challenge described:
The new key word for our next issue is:
translated as
the sense that the future is arriving ahead of schedule, that all those years with fantastical names like ‘2013’ are bursting from their hypothetical cages into the arena of the present, furiously bucking the grip of your expectations while you lean and slip in your saddle, one hand reaching for reins, the other waving up high like a schoolkid who finally knows the answer to the question
find the word in the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows that we mainly follow
on the best concept / style photograph or set of photographs that will fit into the category "ADOMANIA" with the focus on "postcards from the past, present and future" theme.
We publish the best photos in JANUARY 2021 issue of MARQUIS FASHION MAGAZINE.
The due date for submission is 1 December 2020 1200pm
The works of art should be sent in the form of a direct dropbox link or direct wetransfer link with the full list of credits and your story of inspiration to accompany it
to [email protected] or in PM.
Your photos should be a highly acclaimed art in fashion - each image should be like a part of a collective story for the magazine pages therefore making it more readable for everyone who opens it.
good luck!