the event featured the fashion designers:
#KDKiitDesigns by Mo'Neek Agum Deng
Orla Dee by Gracyy Orla Ticout
Kwacha Fashion by Kwacha Mabuloso
Urban Dot by Mike Thegodfather
#MsOmotsCollection by Nyamal Omot
Raam Mi Raan by TrisKii Nyakuoth James
Twich Women's Sewing Collective by #TwichCommunity
and Chaya: Boutique Liputa
There was also the exhibition by #PapiMarin and pop up shop from Chaya: Boutique Liputa. Live performances presented by #Acholi , #EthiopiaDances , Mael Dance and #DengT with the guest speakers.
We publish the full program of the event on our Fashion And Beauty Pages:…
#BohemianRhapsodyMagazine expresses its special thanks to #AfricanFlavourFashionAustralia publicity and management teams and personally to Jenny Nyibol and TrisKii Nyakuoth James for the opportunity to cover this event as well as to Lucien and Paul (& Maggie Beresford) for these wonderful images.
photos: Lucien Fernandez and #PaulBeresford at Beresford Productions