invite you to watch
Film: Ammonite
in cinemas 14 January
AMMONITE is led by powerful performances by Kate Winslet (The Dressmaker, Titanic) and Saoirse Ronan (Lady Bird, Brooklyn), AMMONITE is set in1840s England. Acclaimed but overlooked fossil hunter Mary Anning and a young woman sent to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship, altering both of their lives forever. Directed and written by BAFTA nominee filmmaker Francis Lee, AMMONITE is a follow up to Lee's astounding debut, God's Own Country.
Bohemian Rhapsody Weekly Magazine
was lucky enough to receive five double passes to give away to our VIP members and friends. The lucky receivers were
Rachel Sandey
, Sylvester Kroyherr, @Jeanette Russell , Nicole U and Erkin Kalayci. One extra pass will be used for the film review in January ( @Susan Reynolds )
Please stay tuned for more information