DATE: Saturday, 12 August at 0630pm
LOCATION: La Belle Venues at 210 Hume Hwy, Somerton
TICKETS: Liza DiBlasio 0416816107 / Eva Rudge 0425762956 / Dems Cahill 0430198457 / Bing Mopac 0410802338 / Joy De Joya 0425863564 / Willy De Joya 0400431759
The Le’ Oscars Charity & Beauty Pageant Inc. will hold its 6th Annual Presentation of Candidates Dinner Dance on 12 August 2023 at La Belle Venues, Somerton, Victoria.
This is the most awaited presentation night to support and vote for your candidates pre the 6th Le Oscars Charity and Beauty Pageant in October! Our beautiful lovely ladies are ready to slice the limelight for their first catwalk on that night. Please book your tickets now. SEE YOU ALL THERE! Your tickets are $70 and include 3 course meal with soft drinks at the bar .
Nine candidates will join this pageant for a good cause. Candidates: Theresa Marcos, Pinky Cadlaon, Jinky Christos, Cecilia Schalken, Joevie Villalon, Jiera Roberts, Jenny Vignogna, Cristine Joy Muller and Anabelle Wolfe.
All thanks to our friends at Le Oscars Red Carpet Charity & Beauty Pageant 2023, Bohemian Rhapsody Weekly Magazine is covering the pageant (media: Amit S Singh and Asi Perera)
special thanks: Demelyn Cahill and Willy de Joya
photo: Robert Wilson of Angelite Photography