DARK HORSE: THE INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY OF DREAM ALLIANCE from currently running BBC First British Film Festival Australia - Monday Nov 2 special screening: http://www.britishfilmfestival.com.au/…/dark-horse-the-incr…
SuffragetteSuffragette movie - to be released December 26 ( Transmission Films) http://www.transmissionfilms.com.au/films/suffragette
Bordello Blues with Nikki Nouveau show November 27 @0800pm at The Spiegeltent, The Melba Spiegeltent, Collingwood, VIChttps://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/bordello-blues-the-spiegelt…
Santa's Magical Kingdom from Saturday November 21 at the CAULFIELD RACING - Events & Entertainment Racecourse Melbournehttp://www.santasmagicalkingdom.com.au/index.php